FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Do you offer a 2:30pm to 5pm session?

A. We only offer 2:30pm to 4pm and 2:30pm to 6pm sessions. Please choose the session that best suits your family routine.

Q2. If I book my child into a full day session and I collect my child at 4 pm will I get charged the same price?

A. Yes, if your child is booked in for a full day session you may collect your child at any time between 2:30pm and 6pm.

Q3. Do I need to pack afternoon tea for my child attending an after school care session at Nikau Kids?

A. No, we provide afternoon tea for both casual and regular booked children. We serve a special item each day of the week usually consisting of: special bread, sandwiches, cheese & crackers, health bars and chips. We also serve fresh fruit daily and biscuits too.

Q4. Do you allow children who don't attend Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School to attend Nikau Kids?

A. During term time, Nikau Kids, only allows children attending Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School to attend Nikau Kids. During holidays and one day programmes, children from other schools are allowed to join.

Q5. Is it possible to have my child collected from their classroom or place of learning?

A. Yes, we collect all Y0 and Y1 children every day from their classroom or place of learning. If your child is older than 5, new or you would like us to collect him/her after school please contact us.

Q6Can I pay by credit card?

A. Yes, our credit card facility is fully functional, please be aware that extra charges apply.

Q7Do you offer sibling discounts?

A. Yes, we offer families a 5% discount for two of their children attending Nikau Kids and 10% for three of their children attending Nikau Kids.

Q8Do you deduct WINZ subsidies before sending out invoices?

A. No, parents who receive WINZ subsidies are responsible for their full invoice. Once Nikau Kids has received a WINZ subsidy, we will credit that amount back to the WINZ parent.